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Category: Company Updates

Company Updates

The Gift of January

This morning, I found myself eating breakfast with my son who had a 2-hour delay from school due to the ice storm.  He said, “I

Company Updates

“Change,” he bellowed.

Written by Wrenn Skidmore, LCSW-C Okay, maybe not bellowed.  But the heat of the Bikram Yoga studio seems to amplify things. Every spoken word hangs

Company Updates

Back to School Blessings

Ben Zoma would say, “Who is wise?  One who learns from every man.”  Ben Zoma would say, “Who is wise?  The one who learns from

Company Updates

CCC Office Policy Updates!

Rate Increase as of November 1, 2016. As a fee for service center, we understand the commitment our clients make to ensure the receipt of

Social Work Today
Company Updates

Quoted in Social Work Today

Brett and Emily Greenberger were quoted in the May/June 2016 Issue of Social Work Today. Building a Better Practice By Kristin Battista-Frazee, MSW Social Work Today

Company Updates

Blessings of An Ordinary Day

For those of us in the northeast, we just endured one of the largest, if not THE largest single snowfall in a given storm.. ever!

Company Updates

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website and new “Blog” section. In this section we will share company updates and informative information so be sure to check back often.

Company Updates

CCC in the News

Celiac Disease and Eating Disorders: A closer look at the link Aug/Sep 2012 Issue “Living Without” – The magazine for people with allergies and food